Academic Advising & Registration / Upper Level Registration Information

Upper Level Registration Information

Registration Information


Registration is a multi-step process and has multiple processes, dates and deadlines to consider. 1L registration is managed by Academic and Student Affairs. 1L class schedules will be posted to the Class Schedules tab.

Clinics: Clinic applications and the selection of students is managed by the clinical staff and faculty. Students may participate in only one clinic per semester and must make a choice if awarded seats in more than one clinic. Academic and Student Affairs will register students for clinics based on rosters provided by the Clinics. Questions about clinics should be directed to

Reflections on Lawyering: The Office of Co-op and Career Services manages the application process for students interested in “co-op for credit.” Academic and Student Affairs will register selected students based on rosters provided by the Co-op office. Questions about Reflections should be directed to

Limited Enrollment courses: Limited enrollment courses have maximum seat capacities. To be fair to students currently on co-op, we utilize a lottery system for limited enrollment courses. Students will have 48 hours to complete a limited enrollment lottery selection form. Students who do not submit a selection form during the 48-hour window will not be included in the lottery. If students submit multiple entries, only the most recent information will be considered.

Academic and Student Affairs will register students awarded seats via the lottery and fill available waitlist seats. Students who were not awarded a seat or a spot on the waitlist may try to add themselves to the waitlist during open enrollment; ASA discontinues involvement in limited enrollment registration once open enrollment begins.

Open Enrollment courses: Students register for for open enrollment courses and remaining limited enrollment seats once the open enrollment period commences via the Student Hub. Students who register for courses before the open enrollment period begins will be dropped from those courses.

Registration forApplication window or deadlineHow?
ClinicsDetermined by the clinicsEmail for assistance.
Limited Enrollment coursesOpens 9:00 AM ET,
November 18
Closes 9:00 AM ET,
November 20
Lottery. An online form will be available on the ASA website and must be submitted for pre-registration during this 48-hour window.
Open Enrollment coursesOpens 12:00 PM ET,
November 22
Closes January 19
Via the Student Hub
Co-op Reflections courseDetermined by the Co-op OfficeEmail for assistance.
Course Drop Process

Upper-level students have the option to drop a course by the applicable deadlines noted on the University’s academic calendar. To drop a course, please review the Course Drop Instructions from the University Registrar’s Office website. Students will need to request a course to be dropped through their StudentHub. Students should contact the Office of Academic and Students Affairs (ASA) with any questions or concerns about dropping a course.

First year JD students enrolled in 1L coursework should not drop any courses. All 1L courses require completion for JD students to be eligible to move on to the upper-level.

Limited Enrollment Lottery vs Open Enrollment

Limited Enrollment

The limited enrollment lottery preference form will open to students at 9:00 AM on Monday, November 18 and close 48 hours later, at 9:00 AM on Wednesday, November 20.

The lottery preference form is accessible via the link on the Upper Level Registration Information page of the Academic and Student Affairs website. Do not attempt to conduct the limited enrollment lottery sign-up process via myNortheastern or the Student Hub.

If you complete the online form more than once, ASA will consider only the most recent submission as your preference submission. The online form will expire at 9:00 AM ET on Wednesday, November 20 and no late submissions will be accepted.

The limited enrollment lottery preference form will require students to indicate a preference when selecting courses with time conflicts.

Notes for Limited Enrollment

You will receive a confirmation email with a copy of your limited enrollment lottery preference form if submitted correctly. Check your spam/junk folders for the confirmation. If you received the email, you do not need to email ASA to confirm receipt of your submission.

ASA will register students awarded seats in limited enrollment classes and will fill the waitlist to its available capacity. It is possible for the number of students in a lottery for a limited enrollment course to exceed the waitlist capabilities of the University’s registration system. If you are not awarded a seat in the class or a space on the waitlist, you may try to add yourself to the waitlist only during open enrollment which begins at 12PM on Friday, November 22. Management of the limited enrollment lottery concludes once open enrollment begins.

Students who try to register themselves for any courses—limited enrollment or not—during the limited enrollment window via the Student Hub will be instructed to drop those classes and try again once open enrollment begins.

You will be able to see which limited enrollment courses you were admitted to or waitlisted for once open enrollment opens to students.

Open Enrollment

Registration for all remaining courses will open to students at 12:00 PM ET on Friday, November 22. Students will be able to see which limited enrollment courses they were admitted to or waitlisted for and may register themselves to courses or add themselves to waitlists (including for remaining limited enrollment course seats, if available).

Students register for open enrollment courses via the Student Hub. Step-by-step registration instructions are located on the Registrar’s website.

Notes for Open Enrollment

Students who try to register themselves for any courses prior to the open enrollment window opening will be dropped from those classes.

The last day to add a class is Sunday, January 19.

The last day to drop a class (without a “W” on your transcript) is Monday, January 27.

Registration FAQ

Account Holds: You must clear any financial or academic holds on your account prior to registration. If you have remaining holds, ASA will be unable to register you for any limited enrollment courses, clinics or Reflections on Lawyering (“co-op for credit”).

Contact the Office of Financial Aid, if you have a financial hold on your account.

Contact Academic and Student Affairs, if you have an academic hold on your account.

Limited Enrollment Attendance: In accordance with our academic rules, students must attend the first day of classes for all limited enrollment classes to claim their seat. This requirement applies to students both registered in and waitlisted for the class.

Students waitlisted in a limited enrollment class but enrolled in another class in the same time block should attend the first day of the limited enrollment class but must inform the instructor of the conflicting course of their absence in advance.

Maximum Credits: Full-time JD students will be able to register for a maximum of 17 credits, FlexJD students will be able to register for a maximum of 10 credits, and LLM students will be able to register for a maximum of 16 credits. Waitlisted courses do not count toward your credit maximum. Students seeking permission to overload must complete an Over-enrollment form. The maximum overload for the full-time JD cannot exceed 18 credits.

If you are under-enrolling during a semester, you must complete the Under-enrollment form.

Join Waitlists: Once open enrollment begins, you will have the ability to add yourself to both limited and open enrollment courses where the waitlist has not yet been maxed out.

Waitlist Notification: If a seat opens in a class, you will receive the following email to your Northeastern email account from the Office of the Registrar with the subject line “Waitlist Notification – (CRN)”:

Dear Name,
A space is now available in the following course in which you are currently waitlisted: Course Title, Subject Code
CRN# *****
You have 24 hours from the time below to register for this course.  If you do not register in this time period you will be removed from the waitlist.
Date Time
Office of the University Registrar, 120HA Northeastern University
360 Huntington Avenue
Boston, MA 02115
Telephone # 617‐373‐2300

Once the email is sent, you will have 24 hours to register for the class. Please check your email on holidays and weekends. If you take no action, you will be dropped from the waitlist and the next student on the waitlist will be notified of an opening.  Your only recourse will be to add yourself to the end of the waitlist. Out of consideration for your fellow classmates, we ask that you register for or drop the class as soon as you receive the email to help the process move quickly.

Enroll from Waitlist: Within 24 hours of receiving the notification email, login to the Student Hub and select the Resources tab. Step-by-step instructions are available on the Registrar’s website.

Clinic Waitlists: Students on the waitlist for clinics will be notified through the automated system described above if a seat becomes available after the open enrollment period opens. If a student is already registered for other course credits, they must first drop enough credits before they can claim the clinic seat.

Required Courses: Any student who is required to take a course should contact the Office of Academic and Student Affairs for assistance with registration. ASA will register students needing a particular course to comply with an academic plan.

Questions/Help: Students with questions about the course schedule or registration process should email Maria Perfetti Ricci, Director of Academic Services at

Questions about degree requirements or general academic advising questions should email:

For the full-time JD program: Matt Podgurski, Director of Academic Advising and Operations at

For the FlexJD program: Jorgelina Uribe, Assistant Director of Academic Advising and Operations at

For the LLM program: Whitney Wotkyns, Director of LLM and International Programs at

Click here to find the Registrar’s website with screenshots and video tutorials on how to navigate the registration system.

Register for Non-class Credits: Directed Study, TA, RA, and Moot Court Credits

LAW 7978 Independent Study will be replaced with LAW 7976 Directed Study.

The Law School utilizes the Individual Instruction Registration Form (IIRF) to make registration for non-class credits more efficient.  Step-by-step instructions to submit the form are on the University Registrar’s website.

Students should initiate the process by first meeting with a faculty member to discuss their proposed project. Once the supervising faculty member is secured, students will then submit the IIRF via their Student Hub. A workflow will be triggered to automatically secure the required signatures from the supervising faculty member and Academic and Student Affairs. ASA will confirm student eligibility for the Directed Study and the number of credits requested or contact the student if they are unable to approve the requested credits.

Course NumberCourse Description
LAW 7929Moot Court & Legal Competition
LAW 7931LSSC Lawyering Fellow
LAW 7934Law Review- Senior Editor
LAW 7935Law Review – Editorial Board Member
LAW 7936Law Review – Executive Editor
LAW 7937Teaching Assistant
LAW 7938Research Assistant
LAW 7976Directed Study
LAW 7978Independent Study (sunsetting Fall 2023)

The Faculty Services Team manages the hiring process for students seeking monetary compensation for a TA or RA position (instead of earning academic credit). Submit this form to initiate the hiring process.

From the student handbook, a student may earn credit toward the J.D. degree for directed study pursuant to the following rules:

(1) A full-time law faculty member must supervise the directed study.

(2) The student must prepare a written proposal for his or her directed study which must be approved in writing by the supervising faculty member. The study must culminate in a written paper, exercise or examination, a description of which shall be included in the written proposal. After the supervising faculty member approves the proposal, a copy should be filed with the Office of the Dean.

(3) The student and the supervising faculty member shall agree on the number of credit hours to be earned for the directed study. The directed study required in order for the student to earn the agreed upon number of credit hours shall be substantially equivalent to the requirements of a course offering of the same number of credit hours.

Independent Field Study

Students have the opportunity to apply for 2 to 4 credits for an Independent Field Placement by completing this online application. The online application will trigger an approval form to the supervising faculty member identified in the student’s application so please reach out to your faculty member prior to submitting your application.

Spring 2025 Upper-Level Schedule

Spring 2025 Upper-Level Class Schedule Meeting Information

This course list reflects currently scheduled courses and shows which courses are offered with limited enrollment. We will post additions or any other changes in the Weekly Wire and on this website.

The topic of the Spring 2025 Givelber Distinguished Public Interest Lecture is Asian Americans and Community Lawyering.  This special topics course will be held over two consecutive weekends, Friday, January 31 – Sunday, February 2 and Friday, February 7– Sunday, February 9.

LAW7983 Special Topics in Law Spring 2025 Course Descriptions

  • Givelber Lecture: Asian Americans and Community Lawyering – Explores how community lawyering within the context of Asian American communities creates change. Asian Americans, the fastest-growing racial group in the United States, number more than 24 million. Community lawyering supports community organizing and responds to community needs. But what does responding to a population of over 24 million mean? How should community lawyers prioritize among issues faced by subsets of this population? By discussing community lawyering efforts such as fighting Southeast Asian deportations, standing against predatory development in neighborhoods like Chinatown, and challenging government surveillance stemming from xenophobia, students consider how community lawyering presents a vision for the practice of law from the ground up, striving to create a world that celebrates humanity and racial difference.
  • Virtual Legal Advocacy Clinic – Focuses on developing virtual client representation and advocacy skills to practice law in the tech-connected world. Offers hands-on experience providing legal services to and developing resources for low-income and underserved communities using digital platforms and tools. Under the supervision of clinical faculty and staff, students have an opportunity to enhance substantive legal knowledge, strengthen practical lawyering skills and form ethical professional identities.
  • Race, Police Violence, and the Law – This is an advanced seminar on race, policing, and the criminal justice system. We will explore the phenomenon of police violence directed at racially marginalized communities; consider historical and ongoing opposition to racialized policing; and examine police violence as an instrument of state power. We will consider community efforts to interrupt police violence and legal strategies to reduce harms caused by racialized policing. In addition to our work on race, we will consider how gender, sexual orientation, and class impact policing practices. A principal resource will be the Burnham-Nobles Digital Archive, which houses cases of lynching and other forms of historical homicidal racial violence. This Archive will ground our work in the history of racialized policing and provide a foundation upon which to examine current police operations, practices and policies.
  • Regulation of Asset Managers – Offers students an opportunity to develop a practical understanding of the legal and regulatory framework applicable to the asset management industry. Focuses on investment advisers and investment companies and the federal legal regime that governs them, including the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, the Investment Company Act of 1940 and the rules promulgated thereunder by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Topics covered include the history of the asset management industry, current trends and issues, various matters relating to establishing, registering, operating and reorganizing investment companies, and the roles of boards of directors, investment advisers, government agencies and lawyers.

Upper-Level Classes and Limited Enrollment Listings


  • LAW7556 Corporate Finance – removed from schedule as of 11/5
  • LAW7475 First Amendment – limited enrollment cap updated to 46 as of 11/14
  • LAW7323 Corporations – meeting pattern (T/R 8:00-9:55 am) and instructor (Patricia Alejandro) confirmed as of 11/14
  • LAW7336 Immigration Law – meeting pattern (M/W 2:20-3:45 pm) confirmed as of 11/14; instructor (Professor Rosenbloom) confirmed as of 12/3
Course NumberCourse NameInstructor Last NameCRNCreditsLimited EnrollmentNotes
LAW7300Administrative LawSimon701703
LAW7300Administrative LawBell701713FlexJD only
LAW7301Advanced Criminal Procedure: AdjudicationBisson702523
LAW7624Advanced Legal & Interdisciplinary ResearchEastland70194220
LAW7698AI for Lawyers: Uses, Risks, and RegulationJackson70262230
LAW7608American Legal ThoughtKlare70074320
LAW7684Anatomy of AutonomyWilliams, P.70207315
LAW7494Bioethics and the LawAbrams700643
LAW7503Business BankruptcyBerman700483
LAW7597Civil Rights and Restorative Justice ClinicStein & Wilkes70071612
LAW7610Community Business Law ClinicWalton7014488
LAW7556Corporate FinanceAlejandro700693Removed as of 11/5
LAW7323CorporationsTBD700544Instructor & Meeting Pattern Updated 11/14
LAW7410Domestic Violence ClinicBearat7025788
LAW7606Drug Law & Policy Beletsky70073325FlexJD priority registration
LAW7530Education LawLopez701803
LAW7699Efforts in Criminal Law MinimalismHochman Bloom70263315
LAW7540Employment Law – Comp, BenefitsQuinn700683
LAW7539Employment Law: Job Security & RightsQuinn700673
LAW7634Energy Law & PolicyRubin702603
LAW7417Entertainment LawRoberts70059320
LAW7333Family Law Hale, B.701723
LAW7704Family Violence Immigration PracticumHecht7026868
LAW7398Federal CourtsWilliams, L.702564
LAW7696Federal Indian LawHaile, A.701952
LAW7475First AmendmentMiller, J.70063346
LAW7673Immigrant Justice PracticumGeorges7026168
LAW7336Immigration LawRosenbloom702543Instructor updated 12/3; Meeting Pattern Updated 11/14
LAW7675Information Privacy LawFlaggert700813
LAW7369Intellectual PropertySwanson702553
LAW7700Intellectual Property & Social JusticeSwanson70264315
LAW7633Intellectual Property Law ClinicJacoby7007688
LAW7603International Business TransactionsHubbard700723
LAW7559International TradeRolland702593
LAW6316Introduction to Civil ProcedureBrown702493
LAW6314Introduction to US Constitutional LawMagee700533
LAW7429Labor Law 2Shaw700603
LAW7394Land UseFoster700583
LAW7705Law & Global TechnologyStein70276330
LAW7525Law and Economic DevelopmentDanielsen700653 or 4*
LAW7664Law and InequalityDanielsen700803 or 4*20
LAW6315Legal Research & Writing II for LLMsCheng701382
LAW6315Legal Research & Writing II for LLMsCourtney701212
LAW6315Legal Research & Writing II for LLMsPersons701632
LAW7678Legal Research WorkshopPurdy70082120
LAW7516Legal Writing WorkshopCourtney70258314
LAW7501Patent Law DeVoogd701753
LAW7512Problems in Public Health LawAbrams70142320
LAW7443Professional ResponsibilityZoltek-Jick700623
LAW7527Public Health Advocacy ClinicGottlieb7006648
LAW7933Scholarly Legal WritingPersons70092215
LAW7313Secured TransactionsTu701793FlexJD only
LAW7313Secured TransactionsHalford702533
LAW7324Securities RegulationForni & London70174330
LAW7703Spatial Justice, Legal Ethnography, and the LandscapeSievert70267210
LAW7983Special Topics – Givelber Lecture: Asian Americans and Community LawyeringLi70148225
LAW7983Special Topics – Race, Police Violence, and LawBurnham & Stein7017338Cross-listed and offered through the Africana Studies Dept.
LAW7983Special Topics – Regulation of Asset ManagersSullivan & Olia70272220
LAW7983Special Topics – Virtual Legal Advocacy ClinicWalton7015048FlexJD prioirty registration; weekly synchronous meetings
LAW7652Strategies for Bar SuccessWilliams, R.700793
LAW7701Strategies for Bar Success: Advanced SkillsYoung702652FlexJD only – recommended for students in their last academic semester; ends March 21
LAW7638Trademark LawRoberts701783
LAW7572Transactional DraftingBlackadar70070312
LAW7647Trial PracticeGallagher70077216
LAW7647Trial PracticeRossman70078216
Past Schedules

Spring 2024 Upper-Level Schedule

Copy of Spring 2024 Block Schedule

8AM-9:25AM (85 min)8AM-10AM8AM-9:25AM (85 min)9AM-10:55AM (115 min)
Anatomy of Autonomy (P. Williams)Strategies for Bar Success (R. Williams)Anatomy of Autonomy (P. Williams)Federal Indian Law (Haile)
Securities Regulation (Forni)Securities Regulation (Forni)Trial Practice (Fahey)
9AM-11AM (120 min)9AM-11AM (120 min)
Legal Research & Writing II for LLM (Persons)Scholarly Legal Writing (Persons)
9:35AM-11AM (85 min)9:35AM-11AM (85 min)9:35AM-11AM (85 min)9:35AM-11AM (85 min)9:35AM-12:35PM (180 min)
First Amendment Law (Miller)Administrative Law (Rosenbloom)First Amendment Law (Miller)Administrative Law (Rosenbloom)Corporate Taxation (Wall)
Issues in Health Law and Policy (Madison)Issues in Health Law and Policy (Madison)Introduction to US Constitutional Law LLM (Magee)
11:10AM-12:35PM (85 min)11:10AM-12:35PM (85 min)11:10AM-12:35PM (85 min)11:10AM-12:35PM (85 min)11:10AM-12:10PM (60 min)
Entertainment Law (Roberts)Problems in Health Law (Parmet)Entertainment Law (Roberts)Problems in Health Law (Parmet)Legal Research Workshop (Akehurst-Moore)
Law and Inequality (Danielsen)Law and Inequality (Danielsen)11:10AM-12:35PM (85 min)
Reproductive Rights (Kraschel)Reproductive Rights (Kraschel)Social Welfare Law (L. Williams)
11:10AM-1:05PM (115 min)11:10AM-1:05PM (115 min)11:10AM-1:10PM (120 min)
Civil Rights and Restorative Justice Clinic (Burnham/Strange)Civil Rights and Restorative Justice Clinic (Burnham/Strange)
Trial Practice (Kantrowitz)Advanced Legal Reserach (Purdy)
12:15PM-2:10PM (115 min)12:15PM-2:10PM (115 min)
Corporations (Scott)Corporations (Scott)
Law Practice Management (Lingos)
12:45PM-2:10PM (85 min)12:45PM-2:10PM (85 min)
Refugee and Asylum Law (Rosenbloom)Refugee and Asylum Law (Rosenbloom)
Social Welfare Law (L. Williams)
Business Bankruptcy (Berman)Business Bankruptcy (Berman)
Professional Responsibility (Drew)Professional Responsibility (Drew)
Transactional Drafting (Cooper)Transactional Drafting (Cooper)
2:20PM-3:45PM (85 min)2:50PM-4:15PM (85 min)2:20PM-3:45PM (85 min)2:50PM-4:15PM (85 min)
Advanced Criminal Justice: Investigation (Zoltek-Jick)Negotiation (Coakley)Advanced Criminal Justice: Investigation (Zoltek-Jick)Negotiation (Coakley)
American Legal Thought (Klare)American Legal Thought (Klare)
Law and Economic Development (Danielsen)Law and Economic Development (Danielsen)
Trademark Law (Roberts)Trademark Law (Roberts)
2:20PM-4:15PM (115 min)2:50PM-4:45PM (115 min)2:20PM-4:15PM (115 min)2:50PM-4:45PM (115 min)
Secured Transactions (Phillips)Evidence (Tumposky)Secured Transactions (Phillips)Evidence (Tumposky)
2:20-4:20PM (120 min)2:50PM-4:50PM (120 min)2:20-4:20PM (120 min)2:50PM-4:50PM (120 min)
Community Business Clinic (Walton)Housing Rights Advocacy Clinic (Rivera)Community Business Clinic (Walton)Housing Rights Advocacy Clinic (Rivera)
Intellectual Property Clinic (Jacoby)Intellectual Property Clinic (Jacoby)
4PM-7PM (180 min)4PM-6PM (120 min)
Corporate Finance (Scott)Legal Research & Writing II for LLM (Courtney)
4:25PM-5:50PM (85 min)4:25PM-5:50PM (85 min)
Family Law (Islo)Family Law (Islo)
Information Privacy Law (Flaggert)Information Privacy Law (Flaggert)
5PM-6:25PM (85 min)5PM-6:25PM (85 min)5PM-6:25PM (85 min)5PM-6:25PM (85 min)
Federal Courts (Sandstrom-Simard)Patent Law (DeVoogd)Federal Courts (Sandstrom-Simard)Education Law (Lopez)
Education Law (Lopez)Patent Law (DeVoogd)
6:00PM-8:00PM (120 min)5:30PM-8:30PM (180 min)
Public Health Advocacy Clinic (Gottlieb)5PM-7PM (120 min)Domestic Violence Clinic (Hecht)
6:15PM-7:40PM (85 min)Legal Research & Writing II for LLM (Cheng)6:15PM-7:40PM (85 min)
Negotiation (Johnson)Negotiation (Johnson)
6PM-9PM (180 min)6PM-9PM (180 min)6PM-9PM (180 min)6PM-9PM (180 min)
Labor Law II (Shaw)Bioethics and the Law (Abrams)International Business Transactions (Hubbard)Employment Law: Job Security and Rights (Quinn)
Employment Law: Compensation & Benefits (Quinn)Land Use (Foster)6:15PM-9:15PM
Legal Writing Workshop (Courtney)
Spring Givelber Lecturer: Mary Kathryn Nagle. Dates and Topic TBD
Online course offering: Reflections on Lawyering
Online course offerings for FlexJD:LAW7300 Administrative Law
LAW7443 Professional Responsibility
LAW7434 Secured Transactions
LAW7606 Drug Law and Policy
CRNCourseFacultyCreditsLimited Enrollment Seats
70195LAW7300 Administrative LawRosenbloom3
70196LAW7300 Administrative Law (online ascynchronous – FlexJD only)Bell315
70156LAW7495 Advanced Criminal Procedure: InvestigationsZoltek-Jick3
70221LAW7624 Advanced Legal & Interdisciplinary ResearchPurdy220
70080LAW7608 American Legal ThoughtKlare320
70235LAW7684 Anatomy of AutonomyP. Williams315
70069LAW7494 Bioethics and the LawAbrams3
70049LAW7503 Business BankruptcyBerman3
70077LAW7597 Civil Rights and Restorative Justice ClinicBurnham & Strange612
70163LAW7610 Community Business Law ClinicWalton88
70074LAW7556 Corporate FinanceScott3
70063LAW7400 Corporate TaxationWall3
70057LAW7323 CorporationsScott4
70220LAW7600 Current Issues in Health Law & Policy Madison3
70199LAW7983 Special Topics: Domestic Violence PracticumHecht48
70079LAW7606 Drug Law & Policy (asynchronous online for Flex & Full-time)Beletsky315
70206LAW7530 Education LawLopez3
70073LAW7540 Employment Law – Comp, BenefitsQuinn3
70072LAW7539 Employment Law: Job Security & RightsQuinn3
70064LAW7417 Entertainment LawRoberts320
70058LAW7332 EvidenceTumposky4
70198LAW7333 Family LawIslo3
70167LAW7983 Special Topics: Federal CourtsSandstrom-Simard3
70222LAW7696 Federal Indian LawHaile2
70068LAW7475 First AmendmentJ. Miller350
70164LAW7691 Housing Rights Advocacy ClinicRivera88
70087LAW7675 Information Privacy LawFlaggert3
70082LAW7633 Intellectual Property Law ClinicJacoby88
70078LAW7603 International Business TransactionsHubbard3
70055LAW6314 Introduction to US Constitutional LawMagee3
70065LAW7429 Labor Law 2Shaw3
70062LAW7394 Land UseFoster3
70070LAW7525 Law and Economic DevelopmentDanielsen3 or 4*
70086LAW7664 Law and InequalityDanielsen3 or 4*20
70081LAW7614 Law Practice ManagementLingos3
70186LAW6315 Legal Research & Writing II for LLMsPersons28
70148LAW6315 Legal Research & Writing II for LLMsCheng28
70130LAW6315 Legal Research & Writing II for LLMsCourtney28
70088LAW7678 Legal Research WorkshopAkehurst-Moore120
70159LAW7516 Legal Writing WorkshopCourtney314
70059LAW7350 NegotiationCoakley316
70152LAW7350 NegotiationJohnson316
70201LAW7501 Patent Law (FlexJD priority)DeVoogd3
70158LAW7512 Problems in Public Health LawParmet320
70067LAW7443 Professional ResponsibilityDrew3
70155LAW7443 Professional Responsibility (asynchronous online for Flex & Full-time)TBD315
70071LAW7527 Public Health Advocacy ClinicGottlieb48
70202LAW7550 Refugee and Asylum LawRosenbloom3
70203LAW7588 Reproductive Rights and HealthKraschel330
TBDLAW 7940 Reflections on Lawyering (online for FT JD students on co-op) TBD115 each
70100LAW7933 Scholarly Legal WritingPersons215
70066LAW7434 Secured TransactionsPhillips4
70205LAW7313 Secured Transactions (online asynchronous – FlexJD only)Henning315
70200LAW7324 Securities RegulationForni3
70060LAW7358 Social Welfare LawL. Williams3
70170LAW7983 Special Topics/Givelber: Safety for Native WomenNagle225
70085LAW7652 Strategies for Bar SuccessR. Williams3
70204LAW7638 Trademark LawRoberts3
70076LAW7572 Transactional DraftingTBD312
70084LAW7647 Trial PracticeTBD216
70083LAW7647 Trial PracticeKantrowitz216
* faculty approval required to earn 4 credits

Registration update – 1/16/24

The Givelber lecture will be held Thursday, March 21 through Saturday, March 23 and Thursday, April 4 through Saturday, April 6.

Registration update – 11/30/23

Please refer to the Spring 2024 Upper Level Course List for available CRNs. We are still waiting for a CRN for LAW 7684 Anatomy of Autonomy and will notify students via email, the Weekly Wire, and website update once we have that final CRN.

Courses reserved for FlexJD students

70196LAW 7300BellAdministrative Law3
70197LAW 7313HenningSecured Transactions3
FlexJD students had priority access to the following two courses:
70079LAW 7606BeletskyDrug Law & Policy3
70201LAW 7512DeVoogdPatent Law3
Full-time students may now enroll in Patent Law.
Summer 2024 Schedule

Summer 2024 Grid Schedule

8:30AM-9:55AM (85 min)8:30AM-9:55AM (85 min)8:30AM-9:55AM (85 min)8:30AM-9:55AM (85 min)
Natural Resources Law (Govern)Sexuality, Gender and the Law (Saleem Khan)Natural Resources Law (Govern)Sexuality, Gender and the Law (Saleem Khan)
8:30AM-10:25AM (115 min)8:30AM-10:25AM (115 min)8:30AM-10:25AM (115 min)8:30AM-10:25AM (115 min)
Basic Income Tax (Fray)Labor Law I (Quinn)Basic Income Tax (Fray)Labor Law I (Quinn)
Evidence (Gallagher)Evidence (Gallagher)
9:00AM-11:00AM (120 min)9:00AM-11:00AM (120 min)9:35AM-10:35AM (85 min)
Community Business Clinic (Walton)Community Business Clinic (Walton)Legal Research Workshop (Eastland)
11:10AM-12:35PM (85 min)11:10AM-12:35PM (85 min)11:10AM-12:35PM (85 min)11:10AM-12:35PM (85 min)9:35AM-12:35PM (180 min)
Information Security Law (O’Brien)Advanced Crim Pro: Investigation (Zoltek-Jick)Information Security Law (O’Brien)Advanced Crim Pro: Investigation (Zoltek-Jick)International Human Rights & the Global Economy (Freed)
Reproductive Rights, Justice & Health (Kraschel)Professional Responsibility (Drew)Reproductive Rights, Justice & Health (Kraschel)Professional Responsibility (Drew)Legal Writing Workshop (Colket)
Transactional Drafting (Cooper)Transactional Drafting (Cooper)
11:10AM-1:10PM (120 min)10:45AM-12:45PM (120 min)
Trial Practice (Kantrowitz)International & Foreign Legal Research (Akehurst-Moore)
Juvenile Courts (Blitzman)Juvenile Courts (Blitzman)
Legal Interviewing & Counseling (Drew)Legal Interviewing & Counseling (Drew)
Transactional Drafting (Chow)Transactional Drafting (Chow)
2:50PM-4:15PM (85 min)2:50PM-4:15PM (85 min)2:10PM-4:45PM (115 min)
Legal Research & Writing 2 (Persons)Legal Research & Writing 2 (Persons)Make-up class block
2:20PM-3:45PM (85 min)2:50PM-4:45PM (115 min)2:20PM-3:45PM (85 min)2:50PM-4:45PM (115 min)
Environmental Law (Meeks)Evidence (Zoltek-Jick)Environmental Law (Meeks)Evidence (Zoltek-Jick)
2:20-4:20PM (120 min)2:20-4:20PM (120 min)
Prisoners’ Rights Clinic (Holohan/Garin)Prisoners’ Rights Clinic (Holohan/Garin)
4:25PM-6:20PM (115 min)4:25PM-6:20PM (115 min)
Trusts & Estates (Campia)Trusts & Estates (Campia)
4:25PM-6:25PM (120 min)4:30PM-7:30PM (180 min)
Inside Counsel (Mostyn)Negotiation (Effron)
Employment Discrimination (Kristan)Alternative Dispute Resolution (Effron)
Lab Seminar in Applied & Critical Legal Design (Jackson/Sievert)
Synchronous/Online Contracts for FlexJD (Madison/Gundavaram)
6:00PM-7:25PM (85 min)6:30PM-8:25PM (115 min)6:00PM-7:25PM (85 min)
Health Law (Abrams)Make-up class blockHealth Law (Abrams)
Online course offerings:LAW6102 Contracts (synchronous) – 1L FlexJD
LAW6105 Property (asynchronous) – 1L FlexJD
LAW7332 Evidence (asynchronous) -upper level FlexJD only
LAW7443 Professional Responsibility (asynchronous) upper level FlexJD priority
EXED 6945 International Visa Holders on Remote Co-op (Minahan):
LAW 7622 Whistleblower Law (Kohn/Nelson):
Dates: May 18-19, June 8-9, June 29-30
Saturday (4.5 hours):
10:30 AM – 12:30 PM
1:30 PM – 3:00 PM
3:30 PM – 4:30 PM
Sunday (4 hours):
9:30 AM – 11:30 AM
12:30 PM – 2:30 PM

Summer 2024 Course List with CRNs (Course Registration Numbers) and Limited Enrollment Offerings

CourseCourse NameInstructorCRLECRNNotes
LAW7495Advanced Criminal Procedure: InvestigationZoltek-Jick320112
LAW7449Alternative Dispute ResolutionEffron31620025
LAW7479Basic Income TaxationFray420026
LAW7610Community Business Law ClinicWalton8820093
LAW7448Employment DiscriminationKristan320134
LAW7329Environmental LawMeeks320015
LAW7332EvidenceWonsowicz420130FlexJD exclusive section
LAW7335Health LawAbrams320017
LAW7640Information Security LawO’Brien31520075
LAW7629 Inside CounselMostyn220094
LAW7569International and Foreign Legal ResearchAkehurst-Moore22020072
LAW7491International Human Rights and the Global EconomyFreed320027
LAW7526Juvenile CourtsBlitzman320030
LAW7635Lab Seminar in Applied and Critical Legal Design Jackson & Sievert420095
LAW7424Labor Law IQuinn420131
LAW7535Legal Interviewing and CounselingDrew32020031
LAW7656Legal Research & Writing 2Persons31220038
LAW7678Legal Research WorkshopEastland12020040Cancelled (effective 5.9.24)
LAW7516Legal Writing WorkshopColket31420029
LAW7514Natural ResourcesGovern320028
LAW7351Prisoners’ Rights ClinicHolohan & Garin81420020
LAW7443Professional ResponsibilityDrew320023
LAW7443Professional Responsibility (online asynchronous)Metzloff36520078
LAW7588Reproductive Rights, Justice, and HealthKraschel320132No longer a limited enrollment course (effective 3.29.24)
LAW7488Sexuality, Gender and the LawSaleem Khan31520071
LAW7572Transactional DraftingCooper31220032
LAW7572Transactional DraftingChow31220033
LAW7647Trial PracticeKantrowitz21620037
LAW7377Trusts & EstatesCampia420021
LAW7622Whistleblower LawKohn & Nelson22520036
Fall 2024 Upper-Level Schedule

Fall 2024 Upper-Level Class Schedule

This course list reflects currently scheduled courses and shows which courses are offered with limited enrollment. We will post additions or any other changes in the Weekly Wire and on this website.

The topic of the Fall 2024 Givelber Distinguished Public Interest Lecture is Trans Bodies, Trans Crimes.  This special topic course will be held over two consecutive weekends, Friday, September 27 – Sunday, September 29 and Friday, October 4– Sunday, October 6.

Course NumberCourse NameInstructor Last NameInstructor First NameCRNCreditsLimited EnrollmentNotes
LAW7300Administrative LawRosenbloomRachel100583
LAW7495Advanced Criminal Procedure: InvestigationHochman BloomAliza101703
LAW7495Advanced Criminal Procedure: InvestigationWrightRon101713FlexJD Only
LAW7479Basic Income TaxationFrayJulian100764
LAW7693Business OrganizationsAlejandroPatricita10244425FlexJD Only
LAW7692Collaborative BusinessesYuilleLua10243315
LAW7410Domestic Violence ClinicBearatHayat1016988
LAW7329Environmental LawJenkins-KeumBritteny100603
LAW7331Estate PlanningFrayJulian100613
LAW7398Federal CourtsBurnhamMargaret10070449
LAW7619Healthcare Fraud & Abuse Hooker & ChristoffersonMiranda & Eric10239320
LAW7335Health LawMadisonKristin100633 or 4
LAW7620Human Behavior, Legal Doctrine, and Policy DesignDaynardRichard10174315
LAW7651Human Rights in the United StatesDavisMartha10175315
LAW7673Immigrant Justice PracticumGeorgesAnne1024268
LAW7336Immigration LawGreensteinIlana100643
LAW7369Intellectual PropertyRobertsAlexandra100683
LAW7633Intellectual Property Law ClinicJacobyBruce1008288
LAW7603International Business Transactions (online asynchronous)RollandSonia10173325FlexJD Priority
LAW7338International LawThrasherRachel100653
LAW6301Introduction to American Law for LLMsPalerminoDonna100542
LAW6313Introduction to the Law of Contracts for LLMsCooperGary100573
LAW7697Issues in Human Rights & Humanitarian LawMillerZinaida10245320
LAW7635Lab Seminar in Applied and Critical Legal Design JacksonDan1008348
LAW7424Labor Law IKlareKarl100714
LAW7525Law and Economic DevelopmentDanielsenDan100773 or 4
LAW7669Law and TechnologyRobinsonHilary10086315Cancelled (as of 9/4/2024)
LAW7614Law Practice ManagementLingosSofia10081320
LAW6302Legal Research and Writing I for LLMsChengEdward100552
LAW6302Legal Research and Writing I for LLMsCourtneyKyle100562
LAW6302Legal Research and Writing I for LLMsPersonsSharon101952
LAW656Legal Research and Writing 2Hahn-DupontMargaret10241312
LAW7678Legal Research WorkshopAkehurst-MooreScott10145120
LAW7516Legal Writing WorkshopColketSara10137314
LAW7351Prisoners’ Rights ClinicHolohan & GarinWallace & Patricia10067814
LAW7443Professional ResponsibilityRosenfeldArnold100733
LAW7443Professional Responsibility (online asynchronous)LongAlex10236340
LAW7443Professional Responsibility (online asynchronous)LongAlex102353FlexJD Only
LAW7527Public Health Advocacy ClinicGottliebMark1007848
LAW7679Race and the LawWilliamsPatricia10146315
LAW7550Refugee and Asylum LawRosenbloomRachel102373
LAW7588Reproductive Rights, Justice, and HealthKraschelKatherine101723
LAW7933Scholarly Legal WritingPersonsSharon10102215
LAW7983Special Topics: Election LawMillerJonathan101553
LAW7983Special Topics: Family Violence Immigration PracticumHechtMeaganPending68
LAW7983Special Topics: Givelber Lecture: Trans Bodies, Trans CrimesArklesGabriel10135225
LAW7983Special Topics: White Collar InvestigationsForniEric102461
LAW7428State and Local GovernmentKelleyMelvin100723
LAW7652Strategies for Bar SuccessWilliamsRyan101603
LAW7652Strategies for Bar SuccessCoakleyAntoinette102403FlexJD Only (2025 grads)
LAW7572Transactional DraftingBlackadarLucas10079312
LAW7572Transactional DraftingCooperGary10144312
LAW7572Transactional Drafting JonesJames10238315FlexJD Priority
LAW7647Trial PracticeKeatingMichael10084216
LAW7647Trial PracticeRoberts Melanie10085216
LAW7454U.S. Legal ResearchPurdyMargaret10074220
LAW7612Wrongful Convictions & Post-Conviction RemediesMedwedDaniel10080325

Other Registration Resources

Course Description

Descriptions of all courses can be found on the School of Law Course Catalog

Projected Curriculum

Projected Curriculum 2024, 2025, 2026 (as of Sept. 6)

  1. Please note that we will add more courses as we confirm them over the next several months. Some courses are listed but do not yet have designated semesters when they will be taught.
  2. Because of the nature of client work and clinical education, the schedule for the clinics will be released at a later date.

Students can also find the Projected Curriculum on ASA’s Canvas site.

If the link above is not working, you should log onto Canvas (, click the Courses, and then select: School of Law- Academic & Student Affairs (ASA).

Syllabi & Assignments

Students can find the syllabi and assignments for a given term on ASA’s Canvas site. ASA posts this information as it becomes available from the faculty. If you do not see a syllabus for a specific class on Canvas, you should contact that professor directly.

If the link above is not working, you should log onto Canvas (, click the Courses, and then select: School of Law- Academic & Student Affairs (ASA).