Welcome, students!
Pre-Arrival Check List
Reading Assignments
Please complete these readings prior to orientation. You will be discussing them with faculty and peers during orientation and the first week of classes.
Set Up Your Accounts, Email, and Passwords
Student Email Account
You should be checking your student email account daily. To access this inbox, log into Student Hub and click the mail button on the top right.
Student Hub, and Canvas Access
As a new student, please make sure you have access to the Student Hub and Canvas.
The Student Hub and Canvas are online portals where important information lives. You will use Student Hub to view your student email inbox, your class schedule, your student account/bill, and so much more.
Tell Us Your Preferred Name and Pronouns
Please submit this form to let ASA know your preferred name and pronouns.
Apply for a Locker
If you would like a locker, please fill out this form by September 1st. First-year JD students will get preference in the locker lottery. The Office of Academic & Student Affairs will email you your locker assignment shortly before the start of the fall term.
Review the JD Student Handbook
Read the Full Time JD Student Handbook. The JD Student Handbook is crucial because it ensures that law students have a clear understanding of the academic and behavioral expectations placed upon them. By familiarizing yourself with the handbook, you can avoid common pitfalls, meet all necessary requirements, and make informed decisions and successfully navigate your law school experience.
What It Includes:
- Academic Policies: Guidelines on grading, attendance, academic integrity, and exam procedures.
- Accreditation Standards: Descriptions of the JD program, required courses, total credit hours, and graduation requirements.
- Code of Conduct: Expectations for student behavior, including rules regarding professionalism, ethics, and community standards.
Disclose Any Allergies
Please complete this form before orientation to inform us if you have any allergies.
Let Us Know If You Need Accommodations For In-Person Orientation
If you need accommodation to attend JD Orientation on August 26 and 27, please reach out to our Dean of Students, Kiana Pierre-Louis (k.pierre-louis@northeastern.edu) by August 23.
Orientation Information
- Full-time JD Orientation Schedule
- Full-time JD Orientation Week Modified Class Schedule
- Guide to Navigating NUSL
- Law school building Map
- Campus Map
- West Village location
- School of Law: Virtual Tour page
- Archive Of Recordings (Coming Soon)
Lunch Room Assignments
2024 1L Orientation Student Org Lunch

1L Lunch Room Assignments
Law Office # | Prof. | Room |
1 | Haile | 30 Dockser |
2 | Haile | 32 Dockser |
3 | Knowles | 40 Dockser |
4 | Mallory | 42 Dockser |
5 | Seawell | 44 Dockser |
6 | Day | 46 Dockser |
7 | Day | 104 Dockser |
8 | Lizotte | 220 Dockser |
9 | Lizotte | 230 Dockser |
10 | Mallory | 240 Dockser |
11 | Addison | 250 Dockser |
12 | Chapman | 160 Dockser |
13 | Chapman | 204 Knowles |
14 | Gott | 323 Knowles |
15 | Gott | Sunroom Knowles |
Class Schedules, Syllabi, Textbooks, and Calendar
Class Schedules
Full-time JD Program
The Office of Academic & Student Affairs (ASA) has registered you for your podium courses. ASA will enroll you into your two law office (LO) courses in mid-August. Please note that the Office of Academic and Student Affairs reserves the right to alter schedules as necessary, and we will keep you up-to-date about any changes.
Once ASA has registered you, you can look on your Student Hub account to view your class schedule. Just log in to Student Hub, select the Self-Service tab, and then on the left select My Schedule. From there, select the Fall 2024 Law Semester term.
Flex JD Program
The Office of Academic & Student Affairs (ASA) will register you for your courses. The FlexJD 1L Schedule, can be found here. Once ASA has registered you, you can look on your Student Hub account to view your class schedule. Just log in to Student Hub, select the Self-Service tab, and then on the left select My Schedule. From there, select the Fall 2024 Law Semester term.
Incoming 2L Transfer Students
Incoming transfer students should connect with Matthew Podgurski (m.podgurski@northeastern.edu) to discuss your transition to NUSL and your academic schedule. You will not attend orientation with the incoming 1Ls.
Syllabi and First Assignments
Class of 2027 (JD Programs)
1L students can find the syllabi and assignments for a given course on Canvas (canvas.northeastern.edu). Please check for each course on your Canvas portal, under “Courses.” Please note that some professors prefer to distribute hard copy syllabi in class. Please note that if there is no syllabus posted for a particular class, it means your professor has not posted it to their Canvas site yet. Please continue to check back frequently. We expect all instructors to make their Canvas page for their course “live” prior to the start of the semester.
Incoming Transfer Students
Upper-level students can find the syllabi and assignments for an upper-level elective on ASA’s Canvas site . Make sure that you view files under the Fall 2024 Upper-Level Semester Heading on the ASA Canvas page. If the link above is not working, you should log onto Canvas (canvas.northeastern.edu), click the Courses, and then select: School of Law- Academic & Student Affairs (ASA). You will see Syllabi & First Assignments on the main menu.
Faculty will likely post their textbook information within their syllabus or on their Canvas site. You may also follow the instructions below to check through The Student Hub:
- Log into The Student Hub
- Click the Resources tab
- Scroll down to “Classes & Registration”
- Select “Registrar Self-Service”
- Select “Registration”
- Select “Concise Student Schedule”
- Select the correct Registration Term
- Select “Course Materials”
- Follow steps #1-6 above, and then:
- Note the course number (example: LAW6100) and CRN (5-digit section number) for each class on your schedule on Student Hub.
- Then, go to the Northeastern Bookstore website and look up your textbooks by entering in your schedule
If there is no information available yet, please check again later and review the course syllabus. The University Bookstore posts this information as it becomes available from faculty.
Academic Calendar
You can view the entire 2024- 2025 Academic Calendar here.
Student Resources
Disability Access Services
Students who are admitted to the law school are encouraged to decide as soon as possible whether or not to disclose a disability and request reasonable accommodations. If you think you may benefit from some type of accommodation, including instructional, course load, or exam modifications, auxiliary services such as interpreters or note-takers, or other accommodations, please contact Dean Pierre-Louis (k.pierre-louis@northeastern.edu), as soon as possible to discuss next steps, including outreach to the Disability Access Services (DAS) for further screening and assessment.
The Disability Access Services provides free support services, including advocacy, assistance in obtaining interpreters, exam modifications, and other accommodations, to all students with disabilities. For more information about the DAS, the process for requesting accommodations, and DAS documentation requirements, please visit the DAS’s website.
Financial Aid Office
Northeastern University School of Law has its own financial aid office. Helpful information regarding financing your education can be found in the Financial Aid Welcome Packet.
The Financial Aid Office can be reached by emailing lawfinaid@northeastern.edu.
Incoming students can sign-up for one-on-one advising appointments with the Financial Aid Office during the first week of classes using this link.
Academic & Student Affairs (ASA)
The Office of Academic & Student Affairs is the office responsible for everything related to academics, including: class schedules, exam schedules, advising, academic resources for students with disabilities, various registrar functions, and more. ASA also liaisons with student organizations and supports the Opportunities for Student Distinction program. If you have a question and are unsure who to ask, ASA can be your first place to turn.
ASA can be reached by emailing lawstudentaffairs@northeastern.edu
Academic Success Program (ASP)
Nicholas Horan – Assistant Dean of the Academic Success Program & Associate Teaching Professor (n.horan@northeastern.edu) manages the Academic Success Program (ASP). ASP offers a variety of services for you to maximize your academic experience at Northeastern University School of Law. From study skills to bar prep, the program is dedicated to your success.
The Center for Co-op & Career Development
The Center for Co-op & Career Development (“the Co-op office”) offers a full range of legal career and professional development support, including: educational programs and panels, individualized advising, co-op placement, OCI programs, review and feedback on application materials, networking opportunities, post-graduate job search guidance and more. More information will be provided during orientation and at the Co-op Kickoff in September.
Office of Computer Services at NUSL
NUSL has its very own Office of Computer Services. You can reach them by calling 617-373-8919 or by emailing SLAW_OCS@northeastern.edu. If NUSL’s Office of Computer Services is unable to assist you, they may direct you to Northeastern University ITS. They can be reached by emailing help@northeastern.edu.
For information on how to utilize the printers on campus, please visit this website.
For information on how to download Microsoft Office onto your computers, please visit this website. Your Microsoft login credentials are [YourNortheasternUsername]@northeastern.edu, and your normal Student Hub password.
Law Library
The Law Library is an excellent resource to assist you with your research and academic pursuits. For more information, please view their website. You can also email them at LawResearchHelp@northeastern.edu.
Students can also view a Law Library Orientation here.
Health & Wellness
University Health & Counseling Services
Students can go to University Health & Counseling Services free of charge. For more information, please view their website.
All law students have access to virtual mental health resources through Find@Northeastern 1.877.233.9477 (U.S.), 24-hours a day, seven days a week. On your first call with Find@Northeastern, they will help you connect with local or video counselors to schedule session times that work for you. The first five of those sessions each fall and spring semester are free to you.
Northeastern University Student Health Plan
Learn more about the student health insurance here.
Students with the NU Student Health Plan should also note that they have access to Blue Cross Blue Shield’s Well Connection, which provides access to live video visits with medical providers and behavioral health specialists.
Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers (LCL)
The mission of Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers, Inc. (LCL) is to promote well-being and resilience in the legal community, improve lives, nurture competence, and elevate the standing of the legal profession. To fulfill this mission, LCL provides free and confidential mental health resources, addiction recovery support, and practice management services. LCL is a non-profit organization not affiliated with Northeastern University. To learn more, visit their website.
Center for Spirituality, Dialogue, and Service
Click here to learn more about the programming and services offered by the Center for Spirituality, Dialogue, and Service.
Office for University Equity & Compliance
Click here to learn more about the services that the Office for University Equity & Compliance offers to support our students.
COVID-19 Information
Please review Northeastern’s dedicated COVID-19 website. Please note that this website is frequently updated. Additional questions? Please review the School of Law’s Frequently Asked Questions page.
Plans for each of Northeastern’s locations will be accelerated or decelerated based on real-time COVID-19 data, and in accordance with guidance from public health and government authorities. You should thoroughly review the latest updates and protocols in place on Northeastern’s dedicated COVID-19 website. Please note that this website is frequently updated.
Questions? Please review the School of Law’s Frequently Asked Questions page. For additional campus-wide information, please see the Frequently Asked Questions page within the Northeastern COVID-19 website.
Housing, Commuting, and Gym
Off-Campus Housing
Students who may need assistance finding permanent or temporary housing should review the Off-Campus Student Services website.
Northeastern University Commuting Services
For information about parking passes and other commuting services, please visit this website.
Gym & Campus Recreation
Click here to learn more about the gym facilities and various programming that Campus Recreation has to offer.
I am unable to virtually attend part of orientation. Who should I contact and how will I get the information I will miss?
Full-time JD students with an unavoidable extenuating circumstance should contact Dean Pierre-Louis (k.pierre-louis@northeastern.edu) to discuss. Flex JD students with an unavoidable extenuating circumstance should contact Liz Carroll at e.carroll@northeastern.edu to discuss.
I am a transgender or gender non-conforming student who would like to change my name and other pertinent information as it appears on my university record. Who should I contact?
Northeastern University is happy to assist you with this process, please visit the LGBTQA Resource Center located in Curry 174, website link here and email: lgbtqa@northeastern.edu. Please also follow up with Dean Pierre-Louis at k.pierre-louis@northeastern.edu with the name change.
What does a typical full-time JD class schedule look like?
Generally speaking, students should expect to be on campus Monday- Friday from 8am- 5pm. By mid-August, you should be able to log into Student Hub to view your schedule, including your law office assignments. Additional information about how to view your individual schedule can be found on this webpage, under the “Academic Information” tab.
I am having trouble accessing Student Hub and/or Canvas. Who should I contact?
NUSL has its very own Office of Computer Services. You can reach them by calling 617-373-8919 or by emailing SLAW_OCS@northeastern.edu. If NUSL’s Office of Computer Services is unable to assist you, they may direct you to Northeastern University ITS. They can be reached by emailing help@northeastern.edu.
My lease does not start until September 1st. What do students typically do for temporary housing before 9/1?
It is not uncommon that some students may need to find temporary housing during orientation and the days leading up to September 1st. Students who may need assistance finding temporary housing should review the Off-Campus Student Services website.
I have questions about my Health Report or Proof of Immunizations. Who should I contact?
For any questions about the Health Report, students should contact University Health and Counseling Services at (617) 373-2772 or email them at uhcs@northeastern.edu.
How can I purchase NUSL merchandise?
Students can purchase NUSL merchandise through CISP (Cooperative Income Sharing Program). All proceeds for anything purchased through CISP will benefit students on public interest co-ops. CISP has a storefront in Knowles Hall, next to the Law Library. For more information, please view the CISP Facebook Group.
How do I get a Parking Pass and/or MBTA Pass?
I have questions about billing, financial aid, loans, and payments. Who should I speak to?
Students should reach out to NUSL’s Financial Aid Office. The Financial Aid Office can be reached by emailing lawfinaid@northeastern.edu