Exam Information / Exam Information

Exam Information

1L and Upper Level Exam Information

Types of Final Exams

In Class Timed and Scheduled Exams

All in-person final exams are scheduled to begin promptly at 10:00 AM ET on their assigned days. Please arrive at least 15-20 minutes early to listen to important pre-exam messaging from the exam proctors and to ensure you are logged in and ready to begin your exam at 10:00 AM. These exams will be in the Examplify software.

Review the Examplify and ExamSoft tab to ensure computer compatibility.

Self-Scheduled Timed Exams

Unless the instructor specifies otherwise, self-scheduled timed exams open at 4:00 PM ET on the first day of the examination period.  You may take the exam any time, and submit your answers within the allotted time, no later than 12 noon ET on the last day of the regular final exam period (not the make-up day).  You must keep track of your allotted time to ensure you have enough time to complete the exam by the deadline.  These exams are administered in the Examplify software.

Do not download self-scheduled timed exams until you are ready to begin!

Take Home Exams administered through the ExamSoft web portal

Unless the instructor specifies otherwise, take home exams will be available for download starting at 4:00 PM ET on the first day of the examination period and must be uploaded no later than 12:00 PM ET on the last day of the regular final exam period (not the make-up day). These take home exams and your answer files will be downloaded and uploaded utilizing the ExamSoft web portal. 

Classes with Final Papers Submitted to ASA 

Unless the instructor specifies otherwise, all final papers must be submitted to Academic and Student Affairs by 12:00 PM ET on the last day of the regular final exam period (not the make-up day). Similar to take home exams, final papers must be uploaded utilizing the ExamSoft web portal.

Classes with Nothing Submitted to ASA

Instructors could opt to conduct their own final assessment, including but not limited to a final exam not administered through Examplify, final papers, projects, simulations, etc. The final assessment will not be administered through Academic and Student Affairs and managed entirely by the instructor.

You will receive an email with your ExamSoft/Examplify login information.  If you do not see this email, please check your junk/spam folders.

What Do I Do If I Have a Personal or Medical Emergency?

If you experience a personal or medical emergency during the exam period which impacts your ability to sit for an in-class exam or to complete a take-home exam, you should contact the Office of Academic and Student Affairs at lawstudentaffairs@northeastern.edu as soon as possible to make appropriate arrangements.  Please note that documentation may be required.  To preserve anonymity on exams, please do not contact your professor.

If you are unable to come to campus to take an in class exam because of Northeastern University’s Covid-19 protocols, please submit the form below. Please fill out a separate form for each exam that is impacted.

Emergency Exam Reschedule Form

Take-Home Exams and Papers & Logistics

Take-Home Exam Information

Take-Home Exams are not in the Examplify software that you may have downloaded. The Examplify software is for In-Class Exams only. The ExamSoft website is where you will go to download and upload Take-Home Exams and Papers.

  1. Go to examsoft.com/nusl.
  2. To login, use your 9-digit NUID as your StudentID and the password that was emailed to you.
  3. Log in and click the “Courses” tab at the top of the page. You should see a list of courses. Click the appropriate class.
  4. Get your 5 digit Exam Number on the ExamSoft website.
  5. Write your exam and/or paper in a word processing program (or Excel if specified).
  6. The website will not populate your exam number. On the front page of your answers, you must include:
    • Your 5-digit exam number
    • Name of the course/Name of your instructor and the Semester & Year
    • In addition, you must number the pages in a footer.
  7. When you have completed your exam answer (or paper), return to the ExamSoft website to upload your exam.

Some helpful tips for Take-Home Exams:

  • On the first page, please include:
    • Your five-digit exam number
    • The name of the course
    • Name of your instructor
    • Term (Example: Spring 2021)
  • It is also helpful if you put page numbers in the footer
  • Do not include your name or NUID

What Do I Do If I Have a Personal or Medical Emergency?

If you experience a personal or medical emergency during the exam period which impacts your ability to sit for an in-class exam or to complete a take-home exam, you should contact the Office of Academic and Student Affairs at lawstudentaffairs@northeastern.edu as soon as possible to make appropriate arrangements.  Please note that documentation may be required.  To preserve anonymity on exams, please do not contact your professor.

How Do I Request an Extension for an Upper-Level Take Home Exam?

Extensions for upper-level courses can only be granted prior to exam week, and will only be granted in the case of emergencies or extenuating circumstances. You can access the extension form here. Do not attempt to get an extension in the course once exam week has begun and do not contact your instructor as that will compromise the anonymity. Extensions approved into the next quarter will result in the grade of Incomplete. You are advised to complete the course as soon as possible as experience has shown that students have difficulty completing course work once a co-op has begun. PLEASE NOTE: You must submit an extension form for Directed Study projects as well.

Exam Numbers and Login Information

Exam Number (aka Assessment Number)

  1. Your exam is an anonymous, randomly generated number assigned to you each term. Using exam numbers instead of names allows faculty to grade your exams blindly which allows for fair and unbiased grading.  You will receive a new exam number each term and these numbers will be imported into ExamSoft and Examplify by ASA.
  2. You can find your exam (assessment) number on the ExamSoft website. Once you have logged in to the website, click on the “My Account” tab which you can find by under your name and the gear icon in the upper right corner of the screen.
  3. Your exam number will automatically be included in any exams you take using the Examplify software, but you must add it to any exams you upload using the web portal.
  4. Your exam number is not your NUID or your Husky Card ID!

Logging in to the ExamSoft Website and the Examplify Software 

You will receive an email with your ID and Password for ExamSoft.  The log in information is the same for both the website and the Examplify software.  If you do not see this email before the start of exams, please check your junk and spam folders and if you still do not see the email, then contact Maria Perfetti Ricci at ma.ricci@northeastern.edu.

My exam number is not working? What happened?

Every term you are issued a new exam number. Make sure you are not trying to use an old exam number from a previous term. See above to learn how you can find out your new/current exam number.

1L Midterm Exam Schedule

Final Exam Schedule – 1L Courses

Spring 2025 – 1L Final Exam Schedule

CourseCourse TitleInstructorExam ModeExam PlatformExam LengthExam Date/TimeLocationWho
LAW6101Constitutional LawAdlerExam Format 1: Students will take an in-person, timed, and scheduled exam Examplify240 minsTuesday (4/22) at 10:00 amDK 220 & DK 160Last names A-D: DK 220 & Last names E-W: DK 160
LAW6101Constitutional LawDavisExam Format 1: Students will take an in-person, timed, and scheduled exam Examplify240 minsTuesday (4/22) at 10:00 amDK 250 & DK 230Last names A-Sie: DK 250 & Last names Sil-Z: DK 230
LAW6101Constitutional LawPaulExam Format 1: Students will take an in-person, timed, and scheduled exam Examplify195 minsTuesday (4/22) at 10:00 amDK 240All students
LAW6102ContractsRobinsonExam Format 1: Students will take an in-person, timed, and scheduled exam Examplify240 minsFriday (4/25) at 10:00 amDK 240All students
LAW6102ContractsBiettiExam Format 1: Students will take an in-person, timed, and scheduled exam Examplify180 minsFriday (4/25) at 10:00 amDK 220 & DK 230Last names A-Sie: DK 220 & Last names Sil-Z: DK 230
LAW6102ContractsKraschelExam Format 1: Students will take an in-person, timed, and scheduled exam Examplify240 minsFriday (4/25) at 10:00 amDK 250 & DK 160Last names A-L: DK 250 & Last names M-S: DK 160
LAW6103Criminal JusticeHochman BloomExam Format 1: Students will take an in-person, timed, and scheduled exam Examplify180 minsThursday (4/17) at 10:00 amDK 220 & DK 160Last names A-D: DK 220 & Last names E-W: DK 160
LAW6103Criminal JusticeZoltek-JickExam Format 1: Students will take an in-person, timed, and scheduled exam Examplify240 minsThursday (4/17) at 10:00 amDK 240All students
LAW6103Criminal JusticeMiller, Z.Exam Format 1: Students will take an in-person, timed, and scheduled exam Examplify240 minsThursday (4/17) at 10:00 amDK 250 & DK 230Last names A-L: DK 250 & Last names M-S: DK 230
LAW6103Criminal JusticeMedwedExam Format 2: Students will take a remote, timed, and self-scheduled exam Examplify240 minsThursday (4/17), download between 6:00 am-7:00 pmAll students

Final Exam Schedule – Upper-Level Courses

Any exams that are not in-person and that do not have a specific date assigned, will become available on Monday, April 14 at 4:00 pm and will be due on Friday, April 25 at 12:00 pm unless otherwise noted by the instructor.

Spring 2025 – In-Person Final Exams

CourseCourse TitleInstructorExam ModeExam PlatformExam LengthExam Date/TimeLocation
LAW7300Administrative LawSimonExam Format 1: Students will take an in-person, timed, and scheduled exam Examplify180 minsWednesday (4/16) at 10:00 amDK 220
LAW7301Advanced Criminal Procedure: AdjudicationBissonExam Format 1: Students will take an in-person, timed, and scheduled exam Examplify180 minsFriday (4/18) at 10:00 amDK 160
LAW7503Business BankruptcyBermanExam Format 1: Students will take an in-person, timed, and scheduled exam Examplify180 minsFriday (4/18) at 10:00 amDK 230
LAW7332EvidenceTumposkyExam Format 1: Students will take an in-person, timed, and scheduled exam Examplify240 minsWednesday (4/16) at 10:00 amDK 230
LAW7398Federal CourtsWilliams, L.Exam Format 1: Students will take an in-person, timed, and scheduled exam Examplify240 minsWednesday (4/23) at 10:00 amDK 220
LAW7336Immigration LawRosenbloomExam Format 1: Students will take an in-person, timed, and scheduled exam Examplify210 minsThursday (4/24) at 10:00 amDK 230
LAW7369Intellectual PropertySwansonExam Format 1: Students will take an in-person, timed, and scheduled exam Examplify180 minsTuesday (4/15) at 10:00 amDK 230
LAW7559International TradeRollandExam Format 1: Students will take an in-person, timed, and scheduled exam Examplify180 minsTuesday (4/15) at 10:00 amDK 042
LAW7324Securities RegulationForni & LondonExam Format 1: Students will take an in-person, timed, and scheduled exam Examplify180 minsThursday (4/24) at 10:00 amDK 160
LAW7983Special Topics – Regulation of Asset ManagersSullivan & OliaExam Format 1: Students will take an in-person, timed, and scheduled exam Examplify120 minsWednesday (4/23) at 10:00 amDK 032

Spring 2025 – Other Exams and Assessments (Not In-Person)

CourseCourse TitleInstructorExam ModeExam PlatformExam Length
LAW7300Administrative LawBellExam Format 2: Students will take a remote, timed, and self-scheduled exam Examplify180 mins
LAW7323CorporationsAlejandroExam Format 2: Students will take a remote, timed, and self-scheduled exam Examplify240 mins
LAW7530Education LawLopezExam Format 2: Students will take a remote, timed, and self-scheduled exam Examplify240 mins
LAW7475First AmendmentMillerExam Format 2: Students will take a remote, timed, and self-scheduled exam Examplify210 mins
LAW7675Information Privacy LawFlaggertExam Format 2: Students will take a remote, timed, and self-scheduled exam Examplify210 mins
LAW7603International Business TransactionsHubbardExam Format 2: Students will take a remote, timed, and self-scheduled exam Examplify210 mins
LAW7313Secured TransactionsHalfordExam Format 2: Students will take a remote, timed, and self-scheduled exam Examplify210 mins
LAW7313Secured TransactionsTuExam Format 2: Students will take a remote, timed, and self-scheduled exam Examplify180 mins
LAW7701Strategies for Bar Success Advanced SkillsYoungExam Format 2: Students will take a remote, timed, and self-scheduled exam Examplify120 mins
LAW7638Trademark LawRobertsExam Format 2: Students will take a remote, timed, and self-scheduled exam Examplify210 mins
LAW7540Employment Law – Comp, BenefitsQuinnExam Format 3: Students will upload responses to a remote, untimed, self-administered “take-home” exam ExamSoft
LAW7539Employment Law: Job Security & RightsQuinnExam Format 3: Students will upload responses to a remote, untimed, self-administered “take-home” examExamSoft
LAW7634Energy Law & PolicyRubinExam Format 3: Students will upload responses to a remote, untimed, self-administered “take-home” exam ExamSoft
LAW6316Introduction to Civil ProcedureBrownExam Format 3: Students will upload responses to a remote, untimed, self-administered “take-home” exam ExamSoftStudents will have 24 hours to complete exam once started
LAW6314Introduction to US Constitutional LawMageeExam Format 3: Students will upload responses to a remote, untimed, self-administered “take-home” exam ExamSoftStudents will have 24 hours to complete exam once started
LAW7429Labor Law 2ShawExam Format 3: Students will upload responses to a remote, untimed, self-administered “take-home” exam ExamSoft
LAW7525Law and Economic DevelopmentDanielsenExam Format 3: Students will upload responses to a remote, untimed, self-administered “take-home” exam ExamSoft
LAW7501Patent Law DeVoogdExam Format 3: Students will upload responses to a remote, untimed, self-administered “take-home” exam ExamSoft
LAW7443Professional ResponsibilityZoltek-JickExam Format 3: Students will upload responses to a remote, untimed, self-administered “take-home” exam ExamSoft
LAW7608American Legal ThoughtKlareExam Format 4: Students will upload a final paper ExamSoft
LAW7684Anatomy of AutonomyWilliams, P.Exam Format 4: Students will upload a final paperExamSoft
LAW7624Advanced Legal & Interdisciplinary ResearchEastlandExam Format 5: Instructor will manage final assessment via Canvas
LAW7698AI for Lawyers: Uses, Risks, and RegulationGonzalezExam Format 5: Instructor will manage final assessment via Canvas
LAW7494Bioethics and the LawAbramsExam Format 5: Instructor will manage final assessment via Canvas
LAW7606Drug Law & Policy BeletskyExam Format 5: Instructor will manage final assessment via Canvas
LAW7699Efforts in Criminal Law MinimalismHochman BloomExam Format 5: Instructor will manage final assessment via Canvas
LAW7417Entertainment LawRobertsExam Format 5: Instructor will manage final assessment via Canvas
LAW7333Family Law HaleExam Format 5: Instructor will manage final assessment via Canvas
LAW7696Federal Indian LawHaileExam Format 5: Instructor will manage final assessment via Canvas
LAW7700Intellectual Property & Social JusticeSwansonExam Format 5: Instructor will manage final assessment via Canvas
LAW7394Land UseFosterExam Format 5: Instructor will manage final assessment via Canvas
LAW7705Law & Global TechnologySteinExam Format 5: Instructor will manage final assessment via Canvas
LAW7664Law and InequalityDanielsenExam Format 5: Instructor will manage final assessment via Canvas
LAW6315Legal Research & Writing II for LLMsCourtneyExam Format 5: Instructor will manage final assessment via Canvas
LAW6315Legal Research & Writing II for LLMsPersonsExam Format 5: Instructor will manage final assessment via Canvas
LAW6315Legal Research & Writing II for LLMsChengExam Format 5: Instructor will manage final assessment via Canvas
LAW7678Legal Research WorkshopPurdyExam Format 5: Instructor will manage final assessment via Canvas
LAW7516Legal Writing WorkshopCourtneyExam Format 5: Instructor will manage final assessment via Canvas
LAW7350NegotiationCoakleyExam Format 5: Instructor will manage final assessment via Canvas
LAW7350NegotiationJohnsonExam Format 5: Instructor will manage final assessment via Canvas
LAW7512Problems in Public Health LawAbramsExam Format 5: Instructor will manage final assessment via Canvas
LAW7933Scholarly Legal WritingPersonsExam Format 5: Instructor will manage final assessment via Canvas
LAW7983Special Topics – Race, Police Violence, and LawBurnham & SteinExam Format 5: Instructor will manage final assessment via Canvas
LAW7572Transactional DraftingBlackadarExam Format 5: Instructor will manage final assessment via Canvas
LAW7647Trial PracticeGallagherExam Format 5: Instructor will manage final assessment via Canvas
LAW7647Trial PracticeRossmanExam Format 5: Instructor will manage final assessment via Canvas
LAW7652Strategies for Bar SuccessWilliams, R.Administered through KaplanApril 15 at 9 am-April 25 at 6pm